Updating shellcms_bulma
Aha I am impressed that this day arrived, the day I had to refactor shellcms_b to start really doing my own path to improve things, maybe modularity, the idea of a single script is great as it is very portable but not sure if now onwards I will really like to keep my attention on managing just one big file and please don't get me wrong it just happens time to time that you maybe get used to small parts of code, Locality of Behaviour is great but some times it just lead to that kind of aging logic that is just if over if. So I decided to give it a try and just fix some bugs that my current implementation had lets have some fun or nightmares!.
Tags: shellcms_bulma
Refactoring tags ask function
I know it is not exactly an improvement, and most of the refactor that I am doing involves just some times parsing $1 into local variables, and someone could say that this could hurt performance, but in this modern era maybe not that much, and really I prefer just to read local variables and even local functions to keep maybe a cleaner view (from today's standards) maybe others could tell me that this is not right but as a coder you are tempted to try things out as much as you can.
Tags: shellcms_bulma
Testing paginating the blog
Yes, I know maybe it is not the proper way to do things as really you don't need to paginate a static html site, with the "view more posts" link you should be able to just go to your desired post, or even better just search inside the website using the search box, but just a new idea let's try it, maybe I could just paginate every 5 posts, this could lead to a lot of extrafiles, but at the end of the day they are pretty small. So lets try them out.
Tags: shellcms_bulma
Removing bug when grouping tags in shellcms_b
Oh I feel bad for myself in this, I was testing the refactor and boom! I've found a weird bug, tag page was being built with just the last post oh, what an oversight, so I had to check it, but in the meanwhile I had to refactor the rebuild_tags function as it again was too long and I can't take in my mind all the things going on when rebuilding a tag(yes, maybe this is a skill issue on my side), but I can't avoid doing that while working in code. Now tags are properly working and even some weird behavior when reparsing home button in pages is fixed.
Tags: shellcms_bulma
Refactoring shellCMS_b create_html_page function
Hence I wanted to start small but with the core function in mind, I just decided to refactor the processing of html page, with the new version my point was to split the page creation in its major parts header, body, footer and the postprocessing to link them back again properly. Now with this new version It will be easier (at least for me) to go through small pieces. Also there was a refactor in the tag_ pagination logic just to check better how the links for older pages are created.
Tags: shellcms_bulma